Saturday, March 3, 2018

Amazon Video New Payment Plan: It's Worse Than You Thought

If you didn't read my post when I first heard the news, go read that first:

For some reason I had it in my mind that if your video reached the insane 5,000,000 hours streamed to get back to the $.15/hour payscale, that would mean Amazon would pay you $.15/hour for ALL 5,000,000 hours.

It appears that it's not that way. That they will pay you the lesser rates up until 5,000,000 and then start paying you the $.15/hour for any time after that many.

It's insane.

But it gets worse...

They're also going to RESET YOUR STATS every January 1st. So if you thought that hey, maybe you'll get to the next pay tier later--say, September...then you're only getting the better pay for 3 months before your stats go back to zero.

It's crazy. It really feels like Amazon was getting too many submissions and this is their attempt to slow down the submissions.

As if that'll work...I mean, Youtube is free and millions of people put their shit up on there.


On how our flicks are doing...the past two months were the strongest since last January. Mostly on the back of Garden of Hedon and the Making Of . The Making Of Bounty has certainly seen an uptick which correlated with Bounty's views going up too, but nowhere near what GOH is.

Shame to watch that money get cut by 60% from now on, but I guess it's because Amazon needs to pay all those taxes they payed last year.

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